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Back to School Tips for Homeowners

March 10, 2023

We may not be feeling fall temperatures yet, but school is back in session. To help keep your family and your property safe, ServiSolutions has compiled a few seasonal lessons for homeowners:

Reset your thermostats. With school back in session and parents at work, your home may be empty for several hours each day. Keeping your empty house at the perfect temperature can cost you real money. Consider investing in a programmable thermostat, or simply adjust by a few degrees when you leave in the morning and return in the evening. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that adjusting your thermostat by just 7 degrees from its normal setting for eight hours a day can save you up to 10% a year on your energy bill.

Clear a path. This is a great time to make sure your sidewalks are obstacle-free for increased foot traffic. You don’t want anyone falling or getting injured on your property. Make sure that bikes, toys, and sports equipment are safely stowed out of the way as well.

Watch for little ones. Your morning commute is also prime time for kids heading to school. Keep an eye out for them, especially when backing out of your driveway. Observe reduced speed limits in school zones. Stop behind those flashing red lights on buses. Expect children to be unpredictable – walking along curbs rather than on sidewalks, crossing in the middle of the street, and distracted by friends and cell phones. Taking it slowly is worth their safety and yours.

Review family safety rules. No matter their age, your kids will benefit from a family meeting about general safety. Will your children be home alone while you finish your work day? Discuss guidelines about answering the door, hosting friends, kitchen safety, chores, and homework expectations.

Taking a few minutes to educate your family can keep them from having to learn some tough life lessons during a crisis. Completing these “assignments” will help you earn an A+ in back-to-school preparation.