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Stay In The Know With Email Notifications

September 01, 2021

Want a tip to help better manage your mortgage account? Sign up for Notifications, a free feature of your ServiSolutions online services. You can sign up to receive an email notification whenever one of the following transactions takes place:  

  • Payments Received
  • Payoffs Processed
  • Insurance Premiums Paid
  • Taxes Paid 

Sign up for email notifications simply by following the below steps:  

  1. Go to Servicing Digital
  2. Sign in to access your mortgage account or register for Servicing Digital 
  3. Select the Account Management option at the top of the screen next to Dashboard
  4. Select Account Settings at the top of the drop down menu
  5. Select the different types of notifications you'd like to receive by checking the boxes next to the options

You'll now receive an email each time one of your selected transactions occurs!  If you have any questions about Notifications, please contact Customer Service.