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Payment Information

We accept payment via check, money order, phone pay, Western Union, one-time draft or automatic draft, and in the payment dropbox in our lobby. Cash is NOT accepted under any circumstances. Online payments are processed via your bank's Routing and Account Number only. We do not accept debit or credit card payments.

Pay online using Servicing Digital

  • Pay your mortgage from a checking or savings account at your bank 
  • Make same-day payments to your mortgage account
    • One-time online payments must be made by 7 p.m. CT to receive same day posting. Due to daily maintenance, the online payment portal is not available between the hours of 7 p.m. and midnight CT.
  • Set up a single payment or an automatic schedule
  • Online payments are FREE
  • Automatic monthly drafts are FREE
Access Servicing Digital

Other Payment Methods

  • Automatic Draft Authorization Form
  • By phone:
    • Through automated system: FREE
    • Through customer service representative: FREE
      • 334.244.4350
      • 866.339.2432 (Toll free)
    • Automated phone system payments & one-time draft agent assisted payments must be made by 5 p.m. CT to receive same day posting or they will be credited the following business day.
  • Self-Service Drop Box: 7460 Halcyon Pointe Drive, Montgomery, AL 36117 (main floor near the elevators)
  • U.S. Mail: ServiSolutions, P.O. Box 242967, Montgomery, AL36124-2967
  • Western Union Payee: ServiSolutions
    • Code City Name: ServiSolutions
    • State: Alabama   

FAQs about Payments

Why am I unable to pay my mortgage online?

There are several reasons you may not be able to pay your mortgage online. You may be locked out for the following reasons:

  • Incorrect username/password combination
  • Too many login user attempts (lock out occurs after 3 unsuccessful attempts)
  • Locked by another user
  • Incorrect answers to security questions
  • Fraud indicator
  • Loan is delinquent
If you are delinquent or unable to login, contact Customer Service for further assistance.

When are payments due? 
Payments are due on the 1st of each month, and are subject to late charges if not paid by the 16th of each month. 

When is my loan reported delinquent to the credit bureau?
Your loan status is reported monthly and will report past due (30, 60, 90 or over 90 days delinquent) if payment is not made during the month it is due.

Can I change the due date on my loan?
No. Your first mortgage has been packaged into a mortgage backed security that generally requires all loans to be paid on the first of the month.

Can I defer a payment to the back of my loan?
Payments CANNOT be deferred.

How will I know when my payment is posted?
Once you make a payment, you will receive a payment verification email. Once a payment has been made, a new monthly statement will be generated for the next month. 

I postdated a check and it was cashed before that date.
We post all checks the date of receipt.

I did a one-time draft and it has not come out of my bank account.
Your payment is posted the same day you scheduled your one-time draft to take place. Please allow up to 5 business days for the funds to come out of your bank account. Your payment posting can be verified by viewing payment activity online.

I scheduled a one-time draft in error. Can I cancel it?
A one-time draft can be canceled as long as it is requested before the end of day it was scheduled for. Contact Customer Service immediately to request a cancellation of the one-time draft.   

I have a 1st and 2nd mortgage. Can I pay both mortgages on a single one-time draft transaction?
No. The one-time draft has to be scheduled on each loan individually in order for the payment to post correctly.

Do I have to pay my 1st and 2nd mortgages with separate checks?
No. Both loans can be paid on one check. Please include the statement voucher for each mortgage with your check and write both loan numbers on the check.

How do I find out my payoff amount? 
To ensure customer security, ServiSolutions does not accept third party conference calls for payoff and/or verification of mortgage. A payoff statement can be requested by the borrower or a third party whom the borrower authorizes to receive documentation. A third party must provide a written authorization signed and dated by the borrower in order for us to release documentation on the loan. Payoff requests may be emailed to [email protected] or faxed to Customer Service 334-271-3104.

Is there a penalty to pay my loan off early?
Your 1st mortgage does not have a prepayment penalty. However, depending on the nature of your 2nd mortgage and the state you live in, you may be subject to a prepayment penalty and other conditions.

What is recapture tax?
A recapture tax is a tax that may be owed to the IRS if you sell your home within 9 years. The amount of tax, if applicable, depends on various requirements. These requirements are part of your original closing papers. This tax does NOT apply if you are refinancing or if you have had your loan more than nine years. If you are unsure or believe you may be subject to this tax, please consult your tax advisor. ServiSolutions does NOT calculate this tax.

How can I make additional payments towards my principal?
You may make additional payments toward your principal balance at any time as long as the loan is current with no outstanding fees. Whenever a borrower sends in excess funds, they should specify what the funds are for to eliminate any chance of misapplication.

Where should I mail my payoff?
Attn: Payoff Department
7460 Halcyon Pointe Drive, Suite 200
Montgomery, AL 36117

I paid my loan in full. When will I receive any overage remaining on my account?
Payoff overages are issued approximately 30 business days after the loan is paid in full.